A felted chess Set April 13, 2015 00:00
As mentioned in the previous post we were invited to create an art piece for the gallery at Vogue Knitting Live in NYC. We decided to create a felted chess set, with the pieces consisting of Gnomes (obviously) vs. Vikings.
Viking King and Queen
Gnome King and Queen
We wanted the set to be larger than life so we chose to make it a 4ft. x 4ft. board with the pieces averaging around 12-14inches tall. It was a challenge to create pieces that people would be able to recognize as their traditional counterparts. Mushrooms were an obvious choice for the pawns on the gnome side, as were a gnome king and queen and viking king and queen. Bishops presented a bit of a representation challenge, being settled with tree gnomes on the gnome side and howling wolves on the viking side.
Gnome Bishops
Viking Bishops
Viking dragon riders and gnome bear riders were fun to make for the knights.
Viking Knights
Gnome Knights
The most frequently asked questions about building this felted chess set were: How long did it take? Did you each make a side? Can i make a move? We spent a total of about 200 hours working on the set, and were thrilled with the results! We both worked on both sides, though one of us made each set of companion figures (ie I made both wolf bishops on the viking side and gnome king and queen, Jen made both dragon rider knights and the viking king and queen. We both spent many hours making mushroom and rock monster pawns! We did let people (carefully) play the game both in NY and in Seattle - boy are there are a lot of chess enthusiasts out there!! Most were thrilled that the set was complete with a chess clock and and a gnome time keeper!
New ideas for new large scale art pieces are always swirling around.....stay tuned....
Going Gnome is getting a kick start! August 4, 2014 14:58
So, we've enlisted the help of our gnomes to get our kits packed with 100% US materials, and now in 100% US packaging! We have spent the past few months working hard to improve out great instructions - we've even added photo detail in them! The new kit design is amazing, but having the packaging made in the US means buying them in large quantity. The gnomes have launched this Kickstarter project to help us get the tubes here. Please check it out, share it with your friends, and back us if you can. You can get some great rewards - just a $25 pledge gets you a brand new, never before sold or seen felting kit - Prickle of Hedgehogs!!
Thanks for supporting us!
New Gnome Photos September 20, 2013 12:46
With all the rain we've had mushrooms were springing up all over the place! what better inspiration for a gnome photo shoot could there be! Here's a few of the shots we got. We are felting away getting ready for the busy busy show season which begins in (gulp) 2 weeks. The ever present million dollar question remains - can we make enough stuff? Better get back to the felting, more to come.........
Top 10 reasons to own a Gnome: October 12, 2011 11:21
10.Gnomes bring good luck.
9. Gnomes will help care for your pets (except your cats whom they do not like!)
8. Gnomes like to party, and if you are lucky might invite you to join them.
7. Gnomes are a conversation starter (people invariably will ask why on earth you have a gnome in your house!)
6. Gnomes are good for your yard and garden - if you think you have a “green thumb” think again, and count yourself lucky that you have some Gnomes helping you out!
5. A Gnome is bound to make you smile (and really, who doesn’t need more excuses to smile?)
4. Of all the various types of wee folk, Gnomes are some of the easiest to co-habitate with.
3. There is really no good reason not to own a Gnome.
2. Gnomes are just so darn cute!
1. The #1 reason to own a Gnome - it keeps Going Gnome going!!!
Getting ready for NY Sheep and Wool October 10, 2011 12:42 1 Comment
Things we look forward to at the festival every year:
1. Seeing our booth neighbors (I need to restock on Heal my Hands)
2. Maple
flavored cotton candy - It is white and looks exactly like wool batting
- If I had a dollar for every person who sees us eating it and thinks
we are eating wool I could go ahead and take early retirement!
3. Chicken
pot pie! It takes a good hour wait in a VERY long line to get a pot
pie, and often they run out before you get one, but they sure are worth
4. The
parade of the fair goers woolly finest. You would be hard pressed to
find a better sampling of fine knitted, woven, felted, and crochet goods
being worn around in one place - it is truly inspiring.
5. Listening
to the sheep bleating, seeing the llama parade, admiring all the
wonderful yarns and wool goods for sale are just the icing on the cake!
6. And
last but certainly not least, seeing customers form previous years,
hearing about the things they’ve made with our kits and other adventures in felting, and meeting lots of
new faces that are as charmed by gnomes as we are!
So, for now I better get back to my felting - 6 mushroom caps are staring me down and wondering when they will get their stems. I’m so excited for Friday’s set up, and the opening of the fair on Saturday. If you’ve never been you should really check it out, it is a great event!!!
Remember to stop by booth T in building 36 - look for the mushroom topped tent - it’s hard to miss....
